January 2023
Date | Title |
1/11/23 | H.R. 290, The Commercial Remote Sensing Amendment Act |
1/11/23 | H.R. 302, The Energy Cybersecurity University Leadership Act |
1/11/23 | H.R.272, the ASTRO Act |
March 2022
Date | Title |
3/15/22 | H.R. 7077, the Empowering the U.S. Fire Administration Act |
September 2021
Date | Title |
9/22/21 | H.R. 5324, the NOAA Weather Radio Modernization Act |
July 2021
Date | Title |
7/19/21 | H.R. 4521, the Bioeconomy Research and Development Act of 2021 |
June 2021
Date | Title |
6/28/21 | H.R. 2225, the National Science Foundation for the Future Act |
6/28/21 | H.R. 3593, The DOE Science for the Future Act |
May 2021
Date | Title |
5/18/21 | H.R. 2027, the MSI STEM Achievement Act |
5/18/21 | H.R. 2695, the Combating Sexual Harassment in Science Act |