Shall have jurisdiction over the following subject matters: all matters relating to environmental research; Environmental Protection Agency research and development; environmental standards; climate change research and development; the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, including all activities related to weather, weather services, climate, the atmosphere, marine fisheries, and oceanic research; risk assessment activities; scientific issues related to environmental policy, including climate change; other appropriate matters as referred by the Chair; and relevant oversight.
Republican Members
Democratic Members
Recent Activity
October 2020
Date | Title |
10/1/20 | H.Res. 1169, Recognizing the 50th Anniversary of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. |
September 2020
June 2020
Date | Title |
6/24/20 | H.R. 7308, the Research Investment to Spark the Economy (RISE) Act |
May 2020
Date | Title |
5/28/20 | H.R. 7061, the American Critical Mineral Exploration and Innovation Act of 2020. |
January 2020
Date | Title |
1/28/20 | H.R. 5685, the Securing American Leadership in Science and Technology Act |
December 2019
Date | Title |
12/4/19 | Joint Research & Technology and Environment Subcommittee Hearing - Calm Before the Storm: Reauthorizing the National Windstorm Impact Reduction Program |
November 2019
Date | Title |
11/20/19 | Environment Subcommittee Hearing - A Task of EPIC Proportions: Reclaiming U.S. Leadership in Weather Modeling and Prediction |
October 2019
Date | Title |
10/23/19 | Joint Environment and Space & Aeronautics Subcommittee Hearing - Space Weather: Advancing Research, Monitoring, and Forecasting Capabilities |
September 2019
Date | Title |
9/26/19 | H.R. 335, the South Florida Clean Coastal Waters Act |