(Washington, DC) Today, Ranking Member Blaine Luetkemeyer (R-MO) and Ranking Member Lucas issued the following statements on the passage of S. 4900, the SBIR and STTR Extension Act of 2022:

“This bipartisan bill reauthorizes the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs for three years and addresses major concerns by establishing research security measures, increasing transparency and oversight, and focusing on commercialization. After discovering China’s influence in the programs, it was vital for Congress to make the national security reforms necessary to protect American small businesses and intellectual property. In addition to combatting malign foreign influence, the legislation also strengthens oversight, increases public transparency, and safeguards taxpayer dollars. Overall, the legislation continues the tradition of American small businesses being an innovation leader in the Federal Government’s R&D process. I applaud the bipartisan work to both develop and pass this critical legislation,” said Ranking Member Luetkemeyer.

"The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs are important initiatives that support entrepreneurship and job creation at small businesses across the country. The programs enable high-risk research to drive breakthrough technologies that make America more competitive. I’m pleased that this bipartisan reauthorization improves these programs by bolstering research security protections, which has been an overarching priority for the Science Committee Republicans in all of our legislation. This reauthorization also takes steps to strengthen the programs’ focus on successfully commercializing new technologies, safeguarding the return on our investments. This bipartisan legislation will provide clarity to small businesses and agencies, bolster federal research security measures, and increase public transparency of the SBIR and STTR programs. I thank my colleagues for working with me to craft this good, bipartisan bill," said Ranking Member Lucas.

Read the full bill text here.


This bipartisan legislation reauthorizes the SBIR & STTR programs for three years (until September 2025). Importantly, S. 4900 includes reforms that improve the programs and that are priorities for Republican Members:

  • Bolstering Research Security – The bill mandates that each agency conducting an SBIR & STTR program must implement strong due diligence measures to prevent the influence of the PRC or other foreign actors.
  • Increasing Transparency & Oversight – The bill includes additional reporting requirements conducted by SBIR/STTR awarding agencies and the GAO. This will strengthen Congressional oversight, increase public transparency, and safeguard taxpayer dollars.
  • Focusing on Commercialization – The bill includes additional enhanced performance benchmarks that small businesses who have won multiple awards through the SBIR & STTR programs are required to meet. This will ensure that the programs are focused on commercializing projects and leveraging federal grant money to increase private capital investments.