Washington, D.C. – Science, Space, and Technology Committee Chairman Lamar Smith (R-Texas) and Environment Subcommittee Chairman Chris Stewart (R-Utah) today released the following statements in response to EPA’s announced rule that will likely end any new coal-fired electric generation in the U.S.

Chairman Smith: “The EPA’s newly-proposed rule continues the Obama administration’s assault on affordable energy by effectively prohibiting any new coal-fired power plants from being built. Yet again, EPA is offering a costly, heavy-handed proposal that risks jobs and economic growth, all for negligible changes to our carbon dioxide emissions and no discernible impact on the global temperature. This rule sets a dangerous precedent that EPA will soon extend to other sectors, including refineries.  It is just the latest example of the President’s all-of-the-above rhetoric not matching his administration’s actions.”

Chairman Stewart: “The EPA’s recent regulatory effort is almost certain to further the economic uncertainty facing our nation and have devastating effects to communities and hardworking American tax-payers. The regulations undermine the President’s promise for an all of the above energy approach.  I am disappointed that the President has mandated the use of a technology that is not economically feasible.”