WASHINGTON – U.S. Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Texas), chairman of the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee, today announced committee members for the 115th Congress.

Chairman Smith: “I am honored to have the opportunity to work with my new colleagues who bring their expertise in diverse areas to the committee.  It is my hope to develop and implement policies that will restore America’s position as a world leader in space, generate solutions for energy independence, fund basic research, ensure excellence in science education, and encourage innovations in all areas of science and technology.  The115th Congress brings new opportunities for Americans and our nation’s scientific endeavors.  I look forward to partnering with the new administration and our Science Committee members on policies based on sound science.”

Full Committee

Lamar Smith (Texas), Chairman

Dana Rohrabacher (Calif.)

Frank Lucas (Okla.)

Mo Brooks (Ala.)

Randy Hultgren (Ill.)

Bill Posey (Fla.)

Thomas Massie (Ky.)

Jim Bridenstine (Okla.)

Randy Weber (Texas)

Stephen Knight (Calif.)

Brian Babin (Texas)

Barbara Comstock (Va.)

Gary Palmer (Ala.)

Barry Loudermilk (Ga.)

Ralph Lee Abraham (La.)

Darin LaHood (Ill.)

Daniel Webster (Fla.)

Jim Banks (Ind.)

Andy Biggs (Ariz.)

Roger Marshall (Kan.)

Neal Dunn (Fla.)

Clay Higgins (La.)