June 2024
Date Title
6/4/24 Opening Statement of Environment Subcommittee Chairman Max Miller at An Overview of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Budget Proposal for Fiscal Year 2025
May 2024
Date Title
5/22/24 Opening Statement of Chairman Frank Lucas at Examining NIST’s Priorities for 2025 and Beyond
5/16/24 Opening Statement of Research and Technology Subcommittee Chairman Mike Collins at Oversight and Examination of the National Science Foundation’s Priorities for 2025 and Beyond
5/16/24 Opening Statement of Chairman Frank Lucas at Oversight and Examination of the National Science Foundation’s Priorities for 2025 and Beyond
April 2024
Date Title
4/30/24 Opening Statement of Chairman Frank Lucas at An Overview of the Budget Proposal for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration for Fiscal Year 2025
March 2024
Date Title
3/21/24 Opening Statement of Space and Aeronautics Subcommittee Chairman Brian Babin at Advancing Scientific Discovery: Assessing the Status of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate
3/12/24 Opening Statement of Chairman Frank Lucas at Bridging the Valley of Death: ARPA-E's Role in Developing Breakthrough Technologies
3/12/24 Opening Statement of Energy Subcommittee Chairman Brandon Williams at Bridging the Valley of Death: ARPA-E's Role in Developing Breakthrough Technologies
3/6/24 Opening Statement of Environment Subcommittee Chairman Max Miller at Winning in Weather: U.S. Competitiveness in Forecasting and Modeling
3/6/24 For the Record: Opening Statement of Chairman Frank Lucas at Winning in Weather: U.S. Competitiveness in Forecasting and Modeling