Thank you, Chairwoman Fletcher.
H.R. 4733, the Low-Dose Radiation Research Act authorizes a research program on the health effects of low dose radiation within DOE’s Office of Science. Currently, key functions of the U.S. nuclear and medical industries are guided by assumption-based radiation dose limits and protections.
In order to best serve our nation’s energy, medical, and defense, and space exploration needs, we need to support the basic research in the radiology and biology that will help us directly define the impact of low doses of radiation. The U.S. should not rely on a “best approximation” when it comes to our nuclear regulatory policies.
Last Congress, we passed H.R. 589, the Department of Energy Research and Innovation Act into law. This legislation directs the Department of Energy’s Office of Science to carry out a low dose radiation research program.
H.R. 4733 would expand on this legacy, authorizing specific funds and providing critical program direction to the Department. This bill represents an opportunity to ensure that we, as a nation, are doing everything we can to make certain that the regulations, guidelines, and protections we put in place are grounded in sound science.
This amendment provides clarifying and technical updates to the underlying laws referenced in this legislation to reflect the enactment of H.R 589.
I want to again thank Representative Posey for introducing this important bipartisan legislation. I encourage my colleagues to support this amendment and the underlying bill.
Thank you and I yield back.