The Committee will meet to consider the following measure, or for other purposes:

H.R. 1119, The Research and Development Efficiency Act, Approved by voice vote.

Amendment 01 offered by Mr. Lipinski (D-IL.), Approved by voice vote.

H.R. 1156, The International Science and Technology Cooperation Act of 2015, Approved by voice vote

H.R. 1162, The Science Prize Competitions Act, Approved by voice vote.

Amendment 01 offered by Mr. Johnson (R-OH.), Approved by voice vote.

H.R. 1158, The Department of Energy Laboratory Modernization and Technology Transfer Act of 2015, Approved by voice vote.

Amendment 01 offered by Mr. Swalwell (D-Calif.), Approved by voice vote.

Amendment 02 offered by Mr. Tonko (D-NY.), Withdrawn.

H.R. 874, The American Super Computing Leadership Act, Approved by voice vote.



Chairman Lamar Smith (R-Texas) 

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