July 2024
Date Title
7/10/24 Opening Statement of Chairman Lucas at the Markup of H.R. 8958, the NASA Reauthorization Act of 2024
7/10/24 Opening Statement of Space Subcommittee Chairman Babin at the Markup of H.R. 8958, the NASA Reauthorization Act of 2024
April 2024
Date Title
4/30/24 Opening Statement of Chairman Frank Lucas at An Overview of the Budget Proposal for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration for Fiscal Year 2025
March 2024
Date Title
3/21/24 Opening Statement of Space and Aeronautics Subcommittee Chairman Brian Babin at Advancing Scientific Discovery: Assessing the Status of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate
3/20/24 Opening Statement of Chairman Lucas at the Markup of H.R. 272, H.R. 6219, H.R. 7687, H.R. 4152, H.R. 7630, H.R. 7686, H.R. 7073 & H.R. 7685
February 2024
Date Title
2/14/24 Opening Statement of Subcommittee Chairman Brian Babin at ISS and Beyond: The Present and Future of American Low-Earth Orbit Activities
January 2024
Date Title
1/17/24 Opening Statement of Chairman Lucas at Space and Aeronautics Subcommittee Hearing - Returning to the Moon: Keeping Artemis on Track
1/17/24 Opening Statement of Subcommittee Chairman Babin at Space and Aeronautics Subcommittee Hearing - Returning to the Moon: Keeping Artemis on Track
November 2023
Date Title
11/15/23 Chairman Lucas Opening Statement at Markup of H.R. 6213 & H.R. 6131
July 2023
Date Title
7/13/23 Chairman Frank Lucas Opening Statement at Continuing U.S. Leadership in Commercial Space at Home and Abroad