Thank you, Chairwoman Stevens and Chairman Lamb for holding this hearing today on this important topic which impacts every one of our districts.  U.S. manufacturing plays a central role in the nation’s economic security and competitiveness.  Manufacturing accounts for nearly twelve percent of the nation's gross domestic product (GDP) and directly employs over twelve million U.S. workers.  In my home state of Indiana, manufacturing accounts for almost twenty-nine percent of the state’s GDP and seventeen percent of its workforce is employed in manufacturing, the highest percentage in the nation. 

While U.S. manufacturing has seen some ups and downs over the last century, it is clear there are significant opportunities for growth through the development and utilization of advanced technologies in manufacturing.  Advanced technologies, such as additive manufacturing, advanced materials and cloud computing, are starting to be used by manufacturers to speed up and improve development, drive efficiencies in production, and enable new business models.  

Federal agencies play a key role in fostering the growth of advanced manufacturing through investments in research and development, education and workforce development, and in supporting commercialization through technology transfer activities.  We must also maximize these investments to ensure the greatest return for our hardworking taxpayers’ dollars.

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is working with industry and universities to develop essential measurement capabilities and to forge collaborations that help U.S. manufacturers overcome shared technical obstacles.  I look forward to hearing our witnesses’ thoughts on the measurement science conducted at NIST laboratories, the Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership, and the Manufacturing USA Program.

With the shared expertise and cooperation of our excellent universities, research agencies like NIST, and private industry, the U.S. can lead the world in advanced manufacturing. 

I want to thank our witnesses for being here today and I look forward to your testimony.  Thank you Madam Chairwoman, I yield back.