Markup of:
H.R. 2763, the “Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer Improvements Act of 2017,” approved by voice vote
Manager's Amendment, offered by Mr. Smith (R-TX), approved by voice vote
Amendment 001, offered by Mr. Loudermilk (R-GA), approved by voice vote
Amendment 019, offered by Mr. Hultgren (R-IL), approved by voice vote
Amendment 016, offered by Mr. Higgins (R-LA), approved by voice vote
Amendment 025, offered by Mr. Lipinski (D-IL), approved by voice vote
Amendment 035, offered by Mr. Lipinski (D-IL), withdrawn
Amendment 019, offered by Ms. Esty (D-CT), not offered
Amendment 049, offered by Mr. McNerney (D-IL), withdrawn
Amendment 010, offered by Mr. Tonko (D-NY), defeated by vote of 15-18
Opening Statements
Chairman Lamar Smith (R-Texas)
Rep. Stephen Knight (R-Calif.)